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Indorama Ventures Public Company, depositary receipt
TH1027010R10, IVL-R

Indorama Ventures Public Company, країна — Таїланд
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Джерело інформації - ПАТ "Московська біржа". Подальше поширення біржової інформації заборонено без попереднього узгодження з ПАТ "Московська біржа".
Джерело інформації - ПАТ "Московська біржа". Подальше поширення біржової інформації заборонено без попереднього узгодження з ПАТ "Московська біржа".
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Останні котировки

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800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


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Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited is one of the largest vertically integrated polyester chain producers in the world and a leading global manufacturer of wool yarns. Our global sales and manufacturing presence can be seen in all ...
Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited is one of the largest vertically integrated polyester chain producers in the world and a leading global manufacturer of wool yarns. Our global sales and manufacturing presence can be seen in all high-growth economies and industries. Our products serve major players in diversified end use markets, including food, beverages, personal and home care, health care, automotives, textile, and industrial. Indorama Ventures is guided by a continued focus on building strong and lasting relationships with all its stakeholders, such as customers, employees, environment, investors, business partners and communities, and to provide the best quality products and services. Our success is the direct result of our committed workforce of more than 9,000 and clear company goals set by our experienced management. Our dedicated relationships with customers, manufacturing presence in the high growth industries, focus on low cost and efficiency, as well as the fact that our products are primarily consumer staples, places Indorama Ventures in the strongest of positions to withstand the current economic climate.
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    Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited
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