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United Energy Group, ordinary share
BMG9231L1081, 0467

United Energy Group, країна — Гонконг
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Джерело інформації - ПАТ "Московська біржа". Подальше поширення біржової інформації заборонено без попереднього узгодження з ПАТ "Московська біржа".
Джерело інформації - ПАТ "Московська біржа". Подальше поширення біржової інформації заборонено без попереднього узгодження з ПАТ "Московська біржа".
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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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United Energy Group is an investment holding company and is mainly engaged in the development of strategy energy reserves, focusing on the investment and operation of oil, natural gas and other energy related businesses. This is ...
United Energy Group is an investment holding company and is mainly engaged in the development of strategy energy reserves, focusing on the investment and operation of oil, natural gas and other energy related businesses. This is accomplished by the merger and acquisition of oil and natural gas assets; the exploitation, development and production of crude oil and natural gas; and the provision of patented technologies supporting services to oilfields. The approach of the Group is to implement the "reliable operation + rapid expansion" market strategy, which is supported by the unique technology and core competitiveness. The Group's operating strategy utilizes resources as the foundation, built on its human capital and guaranteed by its technology.
  • Емітент
  • Повна назва позичальника / емітента
    United Energy Group Limited (the “Company”)
  • Галузь
    Нафтогазова галузь


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