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Організація: STK Soyuz

Найменування організації
Capital Trust Company STK Soyuz (STK Soyuz)
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


відстежуйте свій портфель найефективнішим способом
скринінг облігацій
Excel ADD-IN

Останні дані на


Запит відправлено
Доступ заборонено
Котирування, надані постачальниками інформації, мають індикативний характер


STK Soyuz, Limited liability company (STK Soyuz Llc), was established in 1995. Activities of STK Soyuz is focused on innovative high-tech and science-based sectors of Russian economy – aerospace and machine-building industries, instrument and electronic equipment manufacturers. One of the principal concerns of STK Soyuz, its affiliates, subsidiaries and strategic business-partners is technological modernization of production facilities of producers in technotronic sectors as well as R&D, design and experimental manufacturing. STK Soyuz is a holding and managing company heading the group of affiliates and subsidiary companies working in three basic business areas: The first business area is a complex servicing of advanced high-tech enterprises. The services which are provided by companies of STK Soyuz Group include financial services (settlements and lending, trade finance, leasing, insurance etc.), consulting, audit, legal services. Besides, this business line encompasses the arrangement of complex forms of servicing and shaping of packaged solutions (for example, trade finance operational frameworks for technological modernization of producers’ companies). The second business area encompasses investment activities – i. e. investments into companies working in high-tech sphere, design, research and development, innovative production. Companies of STK Soyuz Group implement orders of the Federal Space Agency, Ministry of Defense, other governmental institutions and agencies. The third business line is a broad array of purely commercial activities (wholesale trade, supply of the manufacturers, production and sale of various goods and services).




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