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Організація: Fiorio, Cardozo & Alvarado

Найменування організації
Fiorio, Cardozo & Alvarado
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
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Облігаційний борг

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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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Fiorio, Cardozo & Alvarado Law Firm, established in 1981, is considered as one of the most important firms of the country. As such, it has been part of major transactions held in Paraguay both by national and international companies, some of which continue being part of its clientele for more than thirty years. The Firm has a permanent staff of 18 lawyers, educated in prestigious Paraguayan universities as well as in universities from around the world. The firm counts with lawyers specialized in USA, Europe and Latin America. The multilingual team of lawyers is fully capable of offering legal advice in Spanish, English and French. FCA Law Firm team of lawyers is proud to share their knowledge and experience in the market, establishing goals in order to maintain and improve the practice that has being recognized by national and international clients for more than 30 years. The firm’s hallmark is delivering at the highest level of integrity and professionalism in order to provide clients with solutions. It also takes all of the necessary steps to ensure that high-quality legal services are provided to clients at a reasonable cost. FCA Law Firm is known for being a full-service law firm, providing prompt responses to clients’ consultations, offering advice in the areas of investments, corporate and civil law, banking, real estate, labor law, tax law, mining and gas, telecommunications, aviation and maritime law, asset recovery, litigation and arbitration, among other practice areas. It provides not only legal advice, but also offers clients guidance and counseling regarding their day-to-day operations


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