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Організація: Logzact
LEI 259400X6A4C2B9W0HS77

Найменування організації
Logzact S.A.
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Інші галузі
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


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Logzact, a company established in 2008, provides broad range of services involving design, implementation and maintenance of integrated logistics systems. The Company took over the competence, references and 20 years of experience gained by the team of employees, first in Emax company, and later in Sygnity. The activities we undertake with passion and commitment focus on three areas: warehouse automated systems, hospital logistics and specialised internal transport. The solutions proposed by us are developed on the basis of the latest technology; although very advanced and complicated, they always fulfil the most important function: they are beneficial for the client. The benefit means the improvement of enterprise performance. Clients’ satisfaction is our main goal. Therefore, in order to fulfil all the expectations of recipients of our solutions, the professional team constituting the company continuously develops its competence, follows the worldwide trends in the scope of logistics systems dominating on the market and monitors the current needs of the consumers. Over the years we have accomplished many ambitious projects - starting from introduction of the pneumatic post on the Polish market (over 400 installations until today), through implementation of internal transport system and the automated high-bay warehouse in the Silesian Library (1997), multifunctional automated warehouse for Polfa Pabianice (2003), automated completion case-picking warehouse for the Koelner SA company (2008), the Distribution Centre project for the Topex Group (2012), an automated medication management system in Sant Barbara Provincial Specialist Hospital no. 5 in Sosnowiec (2014), an automated storage system in Kiekert in the Czech Republic (2015), ending up with the an automatic high storage warehouse with an order zone picking in Fortec company (2016). As the integrator we create systems tailored to individual client’s needs. We accompany the client starting from the moment the decision on investment has been made, we offer our knowledge and experience, consequently ensuring the safety of implementation of the whole project. The feature distinguishing us is the comprehensive client service at all stages of implementation of the complex projects, in particular: logistics analysis, design of solutions and processes, visualisation, simulation, implementation, project management, guarantee and after warranty service.




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