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Організація: Guantao Law Firm

Найменування організації
Guantao Law Firm
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Інші галузі
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


відстежуйте свій портфель найефективнішим способом
скринінг облігацій
Excel ADD-IN

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Guantao Law Firm, founded in 1994, is one of the pioneer law firms in China. Headquartered in Beijing, Guantao now has branch offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Dalian, Chengdu, Jinan , Xiamen, Hong Kong, Tianjin and Guangzhou, and has good working relationships with law firms in Hong Kong, Macau and other countries and regions. Guantao has established a strategic alliance with the UK-based international law firm Ashurst LLP. Through the close relationship with Ashurst LLP, Guantao endeavors to continue providing valuable and comprehensive legal services to domestic and international clients on a global platform. Client focus is the cornerstone of Guantao’s culture, and it leverages the talents and resources of its experienced professionals to provide comprehensive solutions to its clients in a timely and efficient manner.


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