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Організація: СК Галактика
ІПН 30026143

Організацію ліквідовано
Найменування організації
СК Галактика
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Інші галузі
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


відстежуйте свій портфель найефективнішим способом
скринінг облігацій
Excel ADD-IN

Останні дані на


Запит відправлено
Доступ заборонено
Котирування, надані постачальниками інформації, мають індикативний характер


“GALAXY” Insurance Company operates on domestic and international markets starting from 1998 and is one of the few multipurpose insurance companies that works on all-Ukraine scale.

Today, “GALAXY” Insurance Company provides its partners with insurance protection of their financial interests in more than 25 types of insurance services based on 13 licenses issued by the State Commission of Ukraine of the Regulation of Financial Services Markets for the right of performing insurance activity. The wide spectrum of insurance programs provides an opportunity to supply a person with insurance protection in all spheres of his/her vital activity, as well as to protect an enterprise, a company or an organization of any form of ownership, and a full cycle of production (work performing, providing services), including losses which can be caused by a pause in production.

The available partner relations with the leading insurance and reinsurance companies of Ukraine and Europe, insurance and reinsurance brokers and assisting companies of the world allows the “GALAXY” Insurance Company to make insurance and to regulate the loss not only on the territory of Ukraine but also outside the country. The regional network of the Company counts 25 agencies in 23 regions of Ukraine, besides there are seven centres of customer support in Kiev.

Today, “GALAXY” Insurance Company has obligator agreements with world reinsurance companies – «Lloyd’s of of London» (insurance of transport vehicles) and «SCORE» (insurance of property and building risks).

Authorized capital of “GALAXY” JS IC makes up 50 million UAH.

CJSC GALAXY IC takes active part in the social life of society and insurance market and is a member of:
* Ukrainian Alliance of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs (UAME)
* League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine (LIOU)
* Motor Transport Insurance Office of Ukraine (MTIOU)
* European Business Association (EBA)
* American Chamber of commerce in Ukraine (ACC)
* International Antiterrorism Unity
* International Federation of protection of the drivers
* Ukrainian Association of Leasing «Ukrlizing»




Останні випуски

Облігаційний борг по валютах


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