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Організація: Oresundskonsortiet

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Облігаційний борг
779 млн USD

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800 000

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Більше 400

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80 000


9 000


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Котирування, надані постачальниками інформації, мають індикативний характер


Oresundsbro Konsortiet I/S is a Danish-based private company, which is primarily engaged in the operation, management and maintenance of infrastructures in Denmark. The company, with registered head office located in Koebenhavn, Denmark, was incorporated in May 1995. Oresundsbro Konsortiet is responsible for operating the Oresund Bridge and its toll station. The bridge is a 16 km long coast-coast link between Denmark and Sweden. In accordance with the agreement between the Swedish and Danish Governments, Oresundsbro Konsortiet has the right to collect fees from users of the Oresund Bridge. The fees cover operating expenses, interest charges and repayment of the construction loans for the coast-coast link and the landworks on both sides of Oresund. In partnership with a range of interested groups, Oresundsbro Konsortiet is involved in the promotion of the Oresund Region. Oresundsbro Konsortiets aim is to offer the best possible transport alternative to private and business travellers across Oresund and to be a leading player in the Oresund traffic market.




Останні випуски

Класифікатор емітента

  • Organization does not disclose IFRS/US GAAP financial statements

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