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Організація: Turkerler Insaat Turizm

Найменування організації
Turkerler Insaat Turizm Madencilik Enerji Uretim Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S.
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As Turkerler, We adopt a vision to be a global brand in construction and energy sector to the extent that can direct both domestic and international markets and as a qualified, strong, reliable company to be a leader in all business lines in which it operates and working in accordance with the objectives of quality, technology and innovation that can be followed at the same time, to be a company that constantly renewing itself. Without compromising our ethical values, by playing an active role in improving the development of Turkey and it’s international reputation we have accured a mission to respect the interests of all the interest groups. Turkerler’s foundations in the business life have been laid with the opening of the first clothing store by Mr. Kazım Türker, in the early 1970s, during the university education. Then, diversifying it’s initiatives in the 1980s, this store turned out to be chain stores. And in 1993, by establishing Turkerler Construction Company, Turkerler Holding has started to make new investments in the construction, energy, natural gas, infrastructure and manufacturing areas. Turkerler has an important knowledge and work experience about public and private sector procurement, privatization and partnerships. In this context, also has subsidiaries in the renewable and thermal power generation, natural gas distribution, textile and petroleum sectors. Turkerler, to perform in the contracting business about the infrastructure and superstructure, by reaching a total volume of 3,000,000 m2 of construction in every region of developing Turkey from 1993 until 2015, aims to take its place among the important companies of the sector.




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