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Організація: Укрпошта
ІПН 21560045

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Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts “Ukrposhta” (USEP “Ukrposhta”) is managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, is the national postal operator Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 10 January 2002. Activity USEP “Ukrposhta” regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Postal Service” on October 4, 2001, and other laws of Ukraine, as well as the regulations of the Universal Postal Union, of which Ukraine was in 1947. Ukrposhta operates as an independent economic unit since 1994, when it was formed Ukrainian Union Posts “Ukrposhta”, which in July 1998 was reorganized into the current re USEP “Ukrposhta” under the Restructuring Program Ukrposhta of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 04.01.98 at number 1. Ukrposhta today – is: – 12 000 post offices throughout the country, of which 9 thousand – in rural areas; – 73,000 employees annually perform processing and delivery to customers nearly 200,9 million postal items, 15,4 million parcels and insured items, 11,1 million orders, delivering more than 74 million pension; – Direct fetching to 15 million subscriber mailboxes; – Distribution by subscription and retail about 9 thousand periodicals, or more than 500,7 million copies a year – Transport about 31 tons annually periodicals, total mileage vehicles in this case is more than 72 million km. – Every year, millions of copies standard edition postage stamps, more than 95 subjects of art stamps and blocks, 140 stories feature stamped envelopes and subjects unmarked products. Provide this work branches enterprises (regional, municipal and specialized management)




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