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Організація: Shandong Shipping

Найменування організації
Shandong Shipping Alliance
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handong Shipping Alliance (SSA), an association that exploits the economy of scale of fleets\cargo\shipping finance, consists of Shandong Shipping Corporation, as the founder, and other more members within the sphere of shipping value chain. Apart from sharing a similar vision on the future of the industry, Shandong Shipping Alliance also aims for certain mutual development target. Members of the alliance will take the association as a platform to manage certain vessel or fleet\cargo\capital that are in their possession or others by means of appointment, commercial management and capital operation. The alliance of shipping giants cater each other’s benefits, enhance the economics of scale of fleets and cargos, and focus on financial service. By optimizing the allocation of resources from members, enhancing the cost control and improving the bargaining power, the alliance devote themselves to realize the optimization of shipping industry’s risk resistance capacity and maximization of benefits of all.




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