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Організація: Letiste Praha

Найменування організації
Letiste Praha A.S.
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Допоміжна транспортна діяльність
Облігаційний борг

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About us A joint stock company Prague Airport is a subsidiary of the joint stock company cesky Aeroholding. This company covers the state-owned companies operating in the field of air transport and related infrastructure services. For more information go to www.cah.cz. Prague Airport is the operator of the most important international airport in the Czech Republic and the biggest airport among the new EU member states. It has received the Eagle Award for 2011 awarded by the Association of IATA for being the best developing airport. This international “air-hub” handles about 11 to 12 million passengers annually. They can choose from about 50 regular airlines connecting Prague directly to about 130 destinations around the world. Five regular Cargo carriers operate here, as well as dozens of other companies providing charter flights. Prague Airport, which achieved a billion-profit in 2010, employs over 2000 employees, while about over 15,000 people are employed by companies operating at the airport or linked to its operation. A joint stock Company Prague Airport (Letiste Praha, a. s.) was founded in February 2008 within the privatization transformation of a state enterprise Sprava Letiste Praha, s. p. In 2011, Prague Airport was incorporated in the above-mentioned holding company structure and its sole shareholder is the joint stock company cesky Aeroholding. The bodies of the joint stock company include a three-member board of directors and supervisory board. Prague Airport cooperates closely with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Air Traffic Control of the Czech Republic, air carriers, public authorities within the aviation sector and beyond, airport users, and last but not least, with the Capital City of Prague and municipalities in airport’s vicinity.




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