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Організація: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Найменування організації
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Облігаційний борг
163.723 млн USD

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The government authority in Hong Kong with responsibility for maintaining currency and banking stability. The HKMA was established on 1 April 1993 by merging the Office of the Exchange Fund with the Office of the Commissioner of Banking. Its specific functions and objectives are: to maintain currency stability, within the framework of the Linked Exchange Rate system, through sound management of the Exchange Fund, monetary policy operations and other means deemed necessary; to promote the safety and stability of the banking system through the regulation of banking business and the business of taking deposits, and the supervision of authorized institutions; and to enhance the efficiency, integrity and development of the financial system, particularly payment and settlement arrangements. The HKMA established the Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) in 1990 to provide computerised clearing and settlement facilities for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes. In December 1993, the HKMA extended the service to other Hong Kong dollar debt securities. The CMU offers an efficient, safe and convenient clearing and custodian system for Hong Kong dollar debt instruments. Since December 1994, the CMU has been linked with other regional and international systems. This helps promote Hong Kong dollar debt securities to overseas investors who can use the links to participate in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.


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Всі випуски Ренкінги Cbonds



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