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Організація: Embraer Overseas (USA)

Найменування організації
Embraer Overseas Ltd (USA)
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Інше машинобудування та приладобудування
Облігаційний борг

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800 000

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Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


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Embraer SA is a Brazil-based holding company primarily engaged in the manufacture of aircrafts. The Company’s business activities are divided into three business segments: Commercial Aviation; Defense and Security Business, and Executive Aviation. The Commercial Aviation segment is involved in the development, production and sale of commercial jets, as well as in the provision of support services, with emphasis on the regional aviation industry and aircraft leasing. The Defense and Security Business segment mainly includes the research, development, production and modification of defense aircrafts as well systems and software design. Through the Executive Aviation segment, the Company is active in the development, production and sale of business jets, provision of support services related to this sector of the market and aircraft leasing. The Company has subsidiaries, affiliated companies and representative offices in Brazil, the United States, France, Holland and China, among others.




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