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Організація: Oslo Marine Group
ІПН 7805223820, ОДРН 1037811021181

Організацію ліквідовано
Найменування організації
Oslo Marine Group
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


відстежуйте свій портфель найефективнішим способом
скринінг облігацій
Excel ADD-IN

Останні дані на


Запит відправлено
Доступ заборонено
Котирування, надані постачальниками інформації, мають індикативний характер


Oslo Marine Group was established as a private company in 1999 in Saint Petersburg. Throughout the years of serving it's customers company has provided ample proof in variety ways of it's innovative ability. Today Oslo Marine Group consists of more than 15 companies involving different fields of business: from leasing and insurance to investment and finances. Companies of the Group provide qualified services each in its field and in complex of all services providing by Oslo Marine Group. We aim to achieve universal cooperation, and we have made a lot in this direction: our clients always recommend us to their business partners and friends. Oslo Marine Group is well known in Russia and abroad due to international economic activity of its leading company – insurance and reinsurance broker ScanMarineConsulting Ltd – one of the renowned professionals in the international insurance and reinsurance market. ScanMarineConsulting has deserved success and recognition; due to following to all standards civilized business. Within several years Oslo Marine Group has reached indicative success in its development, now being a group of co-operating companies with the same corporate culture and common aims and goals. Strict fulfillment of obligations in accordance with law regulations is the main rule of Oslo Marine Group. The policy of the Group is to be open for our clients and partners; we are aimed at honest business and nothing else is admissible for us.



Афілійовані організації


Облігаційний борг по валютах


  • ІПН
  • IEC
  • ОДРН
    1037811021181 від 30.01.2003

Кредитні та ESG рейтинги


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