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Організація: Mirabela Nickel

За облігаціям емітента було зафіксовано дефолт в 2013 році
Найменування організації
Mirabela Nickel Ltd
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Mirabela Nickel is a nickel producer, operating one of the world’s largest open pit nickel sulphide mine, located in Brazil. The Company is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (MBN) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (MNB) and is an ASX 200 company. The Santa Rita deposit is the largest nickel sulphide discovery in over a decade and the aggressive development schedule, from discovery to first production in five years, is testament to the deposit’s location close to essential infrastructure (power, rail, road and port), the simple process flowsheet and the pro-mining environment of Brazil. The Santa Rita operation is a world class asset, producing a high quality metal concentrate via a state of the art nickel flotation processing plant and supported by an open pit with a current mine life of 23 years, all underpinned by a strong, globally experienced management team. Mirabela Nickel also has a number of near-mine and regional exploration prospects that have the potential to provide additional, organic growth.




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