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Організація: Petrobras Energia

Найменування організації
Petrobras Energia S.A.
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Країна реєстрації
Нафтогазова галузь
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Petrobras Energia S.A. operates in the oil industry worldwide. The company engages in the oil exploration and production activities in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela; and operation of refineries for the production of gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, asphalts, and asphalt specialties. It also produces various petrochemicals, including styrene, polystyrene, synthetic rubber, and fertilizers; and lubricants comprising automotive, industrial, and marine products, which are sold through gas stations and distributors, as well as directly to the industry and end consumers. In addition, the company operates and maintains power plants; offers transmission and distribution services; and provides various energy solutions. Further, it engages in the marketing and transportation of hydrocarbon; and provision of oil, gas, and LPG brokerage services to other producing companies. Additionally, the company provides marine fuels and lubricants, as well as professional services for ships; operates a network of 700 gas stations and convenience stores; offers wireless Internet service in a service station; and operates lubrication centers that provide services of oil or filters change and various vehicular checks. It also manufacturers, commercializes, and sells natural gas to the industrial, power energy generation, and residential sectors. The company was founded in 1953 and is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.




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