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Облігації: Investtorgbank, BO-04 (4B020402763B)

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Інформація по емісії

The OJSC “Investtradebank” was established in March 1994. Investtradebank (ITB) is a universal commercial bank, providing services to enterprises and organizations with different property forms, representing a wide range of economic sectors, to small and medium-sized ...
The OJSC “Investtradebank” was established in March 1994. Investtradebank (ITB) is a universal commercial bank, providing services to enterprises and organizations with different property forms, representing a wide range of economic sectors, to small and medium-sized businesses and private clients. The Bank’s shareholders equity as at 1 September 2013 made RUR 15 507 203 000 and its total assets equaled RUR 226 462 800 000. The Bank is steadily ranking among the TOP 100 commercial banks of Russia. Starting from 2004, the Bank has held the Moody’s Interfax Rating Agency ratings. In July 2008 the Moody’s Agency changed the rating of the OJSC “Investtradebank” for long-term deposits in local and foreign currency from a stable to a positive one. The Moody’s confirmed the Banks’ financial sustainability rating (BFSR) E+ as well as the Not Prime short-term deposit rating. At the same time the Moody’s increased the national rating (NSR) of ITB from Baa1.ru to A3.ru. In August 2010 the Moody’s Agency left the Bank’s ratings as well as its rating forecasts unchanged: the Banks’ financial sustainability rating (BFSR) - at the level of E+; the long-term and short-term ratings for deposits in national and foreign currency – at the level of B2 and NP (Not-Prime) correspondingly; the national long-term credit rating (NSR) – at the level of A3.ru; prognoses (trends) for all the ratings are stable. In July 2009 the National Rating Agency assigned its individual credit solvency rating to ITB at the level of A+ (high business solvency, first level). In August 2010 the National Rating Agency confirmed the individual credit solvency rating for ITB at the level of A+ with a positive trend. According to the “Profile” magazine, ITB occupies the 52nd position in the rating of 200 largest Russian banks by the volume of net assets. The Bank is the 8th in the rating of the largest Russian banks by the portfolio of loans, extended to small and medium-size business in the first half of 2010 (RBC Agency). Also according to the RBC Agency, ITB is the 16th in the rating of the largest Russian banks by the volume of extended mortgage loans in the first half of 2010. According to the “Finance” magazine, the Bank belongs to TOP 40 of the most reliable Russian banks and is the 53rd among the largest Russian financial and credit organizations by the volume of owners’ equity. On 11 January 2005 the OJSC “Investtradebank” was put on the register of the banks-participants of the Compulsory Deposit Insurance System, its number in the System is 409. Since December 2004 the Bank has been a member of the Association of Russian Banks, since July 2007 – a member of the Association of Regional Banks “Russia”. Since January 2003 - an associated member of the international payment system Visa International and since April 2007 – an affiliated member of the international payment system MasterCard WorldWide. Investtradebank is an authorized bank of the Moscow Government. In July 2008 the Bank of Russia registered an additional issue of shares of the OJSC “Investtradebank” in amount of RUR 4.76 billion, which resulted in increase of the Bank’s registered capital by RUR 4.76 billion, i.e. up to RUR 6.36 billion and the Bank’s capital base made about RUR 8 billion. Investtorgbank is a universal commercial bank specialising in lending to SMEs, retail lending and private banking for indivituals.
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    1.000 RUB
  • Непогашений номінал
    *** RUB

Параметри грошового потоку

  • Базова ставка
  • Ставка купону
  • Валюта виплат

Умови дострокового викупу


вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


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  • Географія розміщення
  • Тип інвесторів
  • Організатор
    ***, ***

Конвертація і обмін

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Останні випуски


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  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Тип цінного паперу за ЦБ РФ


Класифікатор випуску

  • Купонні
  • Біржові облігації
  • Ранг: Undefined
  • Амортизація
  • Callable
  • CDO
  • Конвертовані
  • Бівалютні облігації
  • Плаваюча ставка
  • Для квал. інвесторів (Росія)
  • Іноземні облігації
  • Green bonds
  • Гарантовані
  • Індексація номіналу
  • Випуски міжнародних організацій
  • Купон прив'язаний до інфляції
  • Іпотечні
  • Безстрокові
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Неринкові випуски
  • Redemption Linked
  • Реструктуризація
  • Роздрібні облігації
  • Облігації з покриттям
  • Сек'юритизація
  • Структуровані продукти
  • Комерційні облігації
  • Субординовані
  • Сукук
  • Trace-eligible



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