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Облігації: Caustic, BO-02 (4B02-02-45310-E)

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Інформація по емісії

Construction of an All-Union production enterprise Kaustik began in 1961 on the territory of southern industrial hub of Volgograd. It wasn’t a random selection of the place as a major deposit of rock salt, the raw material ...
Construction of an All-Union production enterprise Kaustik began in 1961 on the territory of southern industrial hub of Volgograd. It wasn’t a random selection of the place as a major deposit of rock salt, the raw material for basic production, i.e. caustic soda and chlorine, was located thereabout. The first chemical product - insecticide Chlorophos was manufactured in June 1967. In that year the output of household goods was started. Hereafter the production of chlorine, mercury-method caustic soda, polyvinylchloride, wrapping film, hydrochloric acid and other goods was set off. In 60-70-s manufacture of freons, chlorine and diaphragm-method caustic soda and a number of other products was started. In tough 1990-s the plant, as well as many other domestic enterprises, went through a difficult period of time. But the Company managed to overcome the difficulties and to enter into a new stage of its history due to the professionalism of business administration, specialists and working men. In the beginning of 1991 production of PVC-resins spun off into an independent enterprise and began its work as a separate legal entity – JSC Plastkard. In the ensuing years the process of gradual split-off of some producing units into independent business units continued, with a view to subsequent optimization of the given types of business within strategic development programme of the Group of Companies NIKOCHEM. Currently JSC Plastcab (production of flexible PVC compounds), LLC European Chemical Company (production of household goods), JSC NikoMag (production of magnesium compounds), CJSC Soligran, a joint venture of with Belgian Solvay and LLC VTC are parts of the Group of Companies NIKOCHEM besides JSC Kaustik and JSC Plastkard which are the fixed productive assets. At the turn of the century projects on manufacturing application of new contemporary competitive products, Hepsol HKP, deicing agents, flake magnesium chloride, are being implemented at JSC Kaustik. The work on reconstruction of production capacities, improvement of environmental safety, infrastructure development and cost saving is constantly carried out. This work not only enables the enterprise development, but also strengthens its positions in the domestic and foreign markets by means of products competitive growth. Important stage in Company’s activity was phased energy supply optimization of the industrial site of the Group in Volgograd and all producing units situated on its territory, since the share of energy expenditure in the production cost of major products of JSC Kaustik – caustic soda and chlorine accounts for approximately 40%. Ordinary partnership, founded on 1st January 2003 by three participants: JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kaustik and JSC Plastkard, ensured to a certain extent solution of the given problem noticeably improving economic performance of the enterprises. Since September 2007 TETS-3 (heat power plant), sole energy consumers of which are enterprises of Volgograd industrial site of the Group NIKOCHEM has been placed in JSC Kaustik management under lease. Technicians of the company are engaged into the improvement aimed at energy saving, reliability and environmental safety growth. Over 100 researchers of the proprietary Scientific and Production Center of the enterprise work at renewal of assortment and diversification of manufacturable products, at innovative technologies. One of the main lines of the enterprise’s development is the construction of multi-product chemical industrial park on its territory. The concept of its foundation is collocation of various new producing units (including those based on innovative technologies), which could use production of each other as one of raw materials in their processes and also reduce expenses on available infrastructure maintenance by cooperative operating. Repair, scientific-technical, IT, HR and designed services are developed on Volgograd industrial site. The site is also characterized by advantageous logistics: Volgograd is situated in the centre of Volga-Don transportation junction where river, sea, railway routes and motor ways of international importance cross. The Enterprise strategic objective is strengthening of its positions in the Russian and foreign markets. Thereat we see the basis for the progress in full-scale development of sodium chloride and bischofite deposits using state-of-the-art high technologies, and corresponding increase in production and output product differentiation. KAUSTIK was founded in 1992 through reorganization of KAUSTIK State-owned Production Association.
At present the company’s product mix includes a wide range of chemicals, including drug substances, and consumer goods (detergents, paints, finishes, bleaches).
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