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Wharf Holdings, ordinary share
HK0004000045, 0004

Wharf Holdings, країна — Гонконг
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Джерело інформації - ПАТ "Московська біржа". Подальше поширення біржової інформації заборонено без попереднього узгодження з ПАТ "Московська біржа".
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Founded in 1886, The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock code: 4) is a premier company with HK$281.8 billion of consolidated assets and a strategic focus on property and infrastructure in Hong Kong and the Mainland. It is ...
Founded in 1886, The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock code: 4) is a premier company with HK$281.8 billion of consolidated assets and a strategic focus on property and infrastructure in Hong Kong and the Mainland. It is a subsidiary of the Wheelock and Company Limited (Stock code: 20).The Wharf (Holdings) Limited is an investment holding company. It has four segments: property investment, which includes property leasing and hotel operations, and its properties portfolio consists of retail, office, service apartments and hotels, and is primarily located in Hong Kong and Mainland China; property development, which involves activities relating to the acquisition, development, design, construction, sale and marketing of its trading properties primarily in Hong Kong and Mainland China; logistics, which includes the container terminal operations undertaken by Modern Terminals Limited (Modern Terminals), Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited and other public transport operations, and communications, media and entertainment (CME), which comprises pay television, Internet and multimedia and other businesses operated by its non-wholly-owned subsidiary, i-CABLE Communications Limited and also includes the telecommunication businesses operated by Wharf T&T Limited.
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