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Russia Monetary Base (Broad Definition)

RUB Billion
Попереднє значення
24.619 RUB Billion на 29.02.2024
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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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Опис індексу

Russian Monetary Base (Broad Definition) includes cash issued by the Bank of Russia (taking into account the balances of funds at the cash desks of credit institutions), balances on accounts of required reserves deposited by credit organizations with the Bank of Russia, funds on correspondent accounts of credit organizations and deposits of banks placed with the Bank Russia, investments of credit organizations in bonds of the Bank of Russia, as well as other obligations of the Bank of Russia on operations with credit organizations in national currency.

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Дані доступні через вивантаження

Індекси підгрупи

Індекс Останнє значення Дата
Russia Monetary Base (Broad Definition) 26.376,7 RUB Billion 31.03.2024
Russia Monetary Base in narrow definition (monthly data) 18.063,8 RUB Billion 31.03.2024
Russia Monetary Base in narrow definition (weekly data) 18.205,5 RUB Billion 12.04.2024
USA: Monetary Base Total NSA, Billions USD NSA 5.883 USD Billion 31.03.2024
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