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Організація: UFS IC
ІПН 7716605994, ОДРН 1087746607574

Організацію ліквідовано
Найменування організації
UFS Investment Company
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Фінансові ринки
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


відстежуйте свій портфель найефективнішим способом
скринінг облігацій
Excel ADD-IN

Останні дані на


Запит відправлено
Доступ заборонено
Котирування, надані постачальниками інформації, мають індикативний характер


UFS Investment Company is an international group of companies providing the whole range of financial services in the global markets.

The Company’s product portfolio includes private equity funds (Gold Fund, Alternative Energy, Peter the Great), individual trust management strategies, strategies consistent with the principles of socially responsible investment and of Islamic finance; instruments with capital protection; luxury management (including luxury products leaseback) and others.


UFS Investment Company is a professional participant of the securities market (perpetual license for carrying out securities management, brokerage, dealer and depositary activities. Licenses are issued by the FFMS of Russia), a member of the National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR), of the International public organization "Guild of Financiers" , Listing Agent of ZAO MICEX Stock Exchange in the sector of MII (exchange sector for the high-tech companies created by ZAO MICEX together with OJSC RUSNANO). The company is an authorized investment agent of the Republic of Belarus and the Kirov region, as well as the Republic of Udmurtia.

In 2014 and 2013 the Company became the winner of Cbonds Awards (category "The most widely read research in the bond market", Breakthrough of the year in research, the best analyst in the fixed income market). In 2013 UFS IC was awarded the "Financial Olympus". Twice winner of Investor Awards (in the nominations “The year’s transaction. Attraction of the international investments to the companies of the second and the third range“ and “The best trust management on the markets fixed-income CIS and ETFs & Mutual Funds (Gold)”).



Афілійовані організації


Облігаційний борг по валютах


  • ІПН
  • IEC
  • ОДРН
    1087746607574 від 05.05.2008
  • OKPO

Кредитні та ESG рейтинги


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