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Організація: ISA Capital do Brasil

Найменування організації
ISA Capital do Brasil S/A
Найменування країни
Країна реєстрації
Облігаційний борг

вивчити найповнішу базу даних

800 000

облігацій у всьому світі

Більше 400

джерела цін

80 000


9 000


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скринінг облігацій
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ISA Capital do Brasil S/A is a national holding company, organized as a limited liability company on April 28, 2006 and transformed into a limited liability corporation on September 19, 2006. On January 04, 2007, it was registered at the SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission, as an open corporation, by decision of its shareholders. On May 27, 2010, by decision of its shareholders, the Company canceled such registry and went private.
The corporate objective is to hold interest in the capital of other companies or ventures, as a partner or shareholder, member of joint ventures, partnerships or any other form of business association.
The Company is currently the controlling shareholder of CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista, an open company authorized to operate as a public utility company for the transmission of electric power, holding the total of 57.093.869 common stocks issued by CTEEP, corresponding to 89.40% of the total voting capital and 37.60% of CTEEP’s total capital.
ISA Capital is controlled by Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (“ISA”), a Colombian mixed capital corporation, controlled by the Colombian government, whose main activity is the operation and maintenance of the energy transmission system, in addition to participating in activities related to the provision of electric power services.




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  • ICB
    7.500 Utilities

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